Thursday 29 May 2014

MY COLLEGE BOYFRIEND (LOVE OR LUST?) dedicated to the great KNIGHTS of Bowen University

Great Knights!!! Can't believe it's been 4 years already.
Four years of fervent studies, prayers, dubbing of assignments, devotion, chapel, evening services (even though "many of us" do the stabbing thing sometimes **winks.,) paroling, dinner partying and last but certainly not the end on the list, recently fighting for what some termed "our right", smh (Thank God our GREAT alma mater arose 3 weeks later) LOL.

if you agree with me, a lot of good,  bad, and some ugly stuff has gone down, I for example (permit me to say I, cause it's actually a WE thing) lost someone special to me. A friend, brother, course mate and most of all my instigator for academic excellence, Toba Joshua. I'm just happy knowing God has you now Toba. You live on!!!
 Everyone if asked, would have something to talk about this past four years… But not withstanding the challenges faced. We are Knight, we stand tall. We came, we saw and we've conquered. Yaaaaayyy!!! I am so Proud to be a Knight.
Well enough of the 4 years speech thing, let me go straight to the point. As some of you would have noticed, the title of this article has nothing to do with all I've said so far. So just before someone begins to render  houseless, some innocent micro-organism from his/her gossip membrane, I'll just go ahead and hit the bottle on the head (forgive my razzness pls).

My college Boyfriend is about how many of us had the experience of dating in college (Bowen) and please, to set the records straight I'm talking to the girls, No homos pls. Lol. 
Before I proceed let me quickly state that I am a sucker for long term relationships. I believe it saves a lot of marital issues, you know the saying "Marry your friend" That’s why I love it when I see two people start to build something strong from college.
But unfortunately how many college relationships actually work out to the "aisle" level. I've watched a lot of fairytale-like relationships been born in Bowen and before I'm done applying my mascara, they're gone. Not like I'm some kinda olofofo sha but I'm like why? Why can't we have a four hundy guy do the 'one knee on the floor' thing just before he grads, okay let's say the age thing is a limiting factor, but that doesn’t hinder us from getting a couple of diamond rings glittering on our really nice manicured fingers na (guys I understand it's your pocket money we're talking about like this **hehehe). I met a couple of Bowen guys at munchies the other day and asked if they had found or maybe seen a potential "HER" and the responses I got made me decide to write this article…

I'm not going into the details of what their responses were, If memory serves me correctly, There's been an article on that already. But all I could gather from them was that we girls need to work on ourselves. A lot of girls make the mistake of believing that  by going out of our way to please a guy, we get him to lower his guard for freedom and hookup with us for something serious. But unfortunately, my research has shown me that the reverse is the case with this guys. As we gals are structured to think commitment is safety, guys on the other hand see it as the walls of a prison. Guys love to believe they worked to get you and won, please don’t deprive him of the illusion. Even though you were "Drunk in love" since the very first time you set eyes on him. And so in the words of Sharon Argov in her book "Why men marry Bitches" 'you have to make him chase you until you catch him'. 

If you are interested in reading the concluding part of this article please drop a comment.


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